Friday, 16 August 2013

Proposed Canteen Food

How about this for starters?

Bamboo Worms
For a good worm dish first you have to starve the worm in clean water for a few days. Some people like their worms straight just with a little lemon and salt. My favorite is worm carbonnarra.
Serves 2
ingredients method
knob of butter

1/2 onion finely diced sweat onion in butter
2 cloves of garlic minced add garlic and worms
120 grams garden worms cook till worms are
50 ml white wine deglaze pan with
100 ml cream add cream

Cook till thick. Add in your favorite pasta. Goes well with bacon in the sauce.


  1. Looks good!
    When can we get it on the menu?

  2. Can't wait to have this in the canteen!!

    How about some RAT'S MEAT too?!!

  3. are we getting some DOG MEAT too? what about some DOG HEAD CURRY??!!

    finger lickin' gooood!!
